Ride Regulation

PDF Version: Ride Regulation

1. Purpose and name of the ride

The horse ride aims to promote horse riding and integration between horse lovers.

2. Terms of participation

Participant must be over 18 years of age. The exception are 1-day rides, in which a person from 12 years of age can participate, but must have a written consent of parents or legal guardians.

Participants must have appropriate riding skills (at least free movement in three gaits: walk, trot, gallop). They must also demonstrate the skills of orientation in the field and the ability to move in difficult terrain conditions. The organizer reserves the right to refuse participation in the rally to persons who do not meet the requirements specified in the regulations or are intoxicated.

3. Registration of participants

Participants must register for the ride before it starts. Registration takes place via the website, by e- mail or by phone. The organizer reserves the right to refuse to accept the application without giving a reason.

4. Participation fees

Participation in the ride is payable, and the amount of the fee is determined by the organizers.

5. Rally route

The route of the ride is determined by the organizers, taking into account the terrain conditions as well as the abilities of the horses and the skills of the riders.

6. Horse and rider equipment

The organizer of the ride provides horses and horse equipment. The participant must be equipped with appropriate equestrian equipment on his own. It is required to have a riding helmet and comfortable clothes and footwear adapted to many hours of time spent in the saddle.

7. Organizational meeting

Before the start of the ride, the organizers will organize an organizational meeting at which participants will receive information about the route, safety regulations and rules of conduct during the ride.

8. Organizer’s disclaimer

The organizer of the ride is not responsible for random events and accidents not attributable to the organizers. Each participant takes part in the ride at his own responsibility and risk. The organizer provides participants with accident insurance and has a liability insurance policy.

9. Responsibility for the horse

The participant is responsible for the assigned horse during the ride, as well as for the equipment entrusted to him.

10 . Behavior during the ride

Participants of the ride are obliged to behave in a safe manner and to comply with traffic regulations, safety rules, instructions of the guide and the rules of the rally. The organizers of the ride reserve the right to exclude any participant who does not comply with these rules.

11. Procedure in the event of an accident

In the event of an accident, the participant is obliged to immediately notify the guide and the organizer of the ride and call for medical assistance. The organizers of the ride are obliged to provide assistance, but are not responsible for any costs related to treatment.

12. Changing the date of the ride

The organizer of the ride reserves the right to change the date of the ride for reasons beyond his control, such as: weather conditions or organizational problems. In this case, the organizers will inform the participants about the change of date as soon as possible. If the participant does not agree to participate in the ride on the changed date, the organizers will refund the participation fee in the amount paid by the participant.

13. Cancellation of the ride

The organizer of the ride reserves the right to cancel the ride due to force majeure, such as storm, fire or other threat to the safety of participants. The ride may also be canceled if the required number of participants is not met or due to other random reasons. In such a case, the organizers will refund the fee for participation in the ride in the amount paid by the participant. No additional amount or compensation will be refunded.

14. Refund of the amount paid

The participant will receive a refund of the amount paid in the event of cancellation of participation, no later than 14 days before the planned start of the ride. Failure to meet the deadline by the participant excludes the obligation of the organizers to return the amount paid.

15. The responsibility of the organizers for the participant’s belongings

The organizer is not responsible for electronic equipment and other valuables lost or damaged by the participant during the ride.

16. Financial liability of the participant

The participant is financially liable for damages and losses of the organizers incurred through the fault of the participant.

17. Visual Recordings

The organizer of the rally reserves the right to use photos and visual recordings of ride participants for promotional and marketing purposes, without the need to obtain prior consent.

18. Advertising and promotion

The participant has no right to use the name and logotype of the horse ride and the organizer for advertising or promotional purposes, without the written consent of the organizer.

19 . Final Provisions

The rules of the horse ride apply to all participants and are binding. In case of disputes and misunderstandings, the final decision of the organizers is final. Each participant is obliged to read the regulations before starting the ride.

In the event of a situation requiring immediate action, the organizer may make a decision that is not provided for in the regulations.

20. Processing of personal data

Participants agree to the processing of their personal data for purposes related to the organization of the ride.